In this world, there are many mysteries, and most of them we won't be able to explain right away. For example, black holes, the creation of life on Earth, the explosion of stars or the enigma of the perfect gift.

Let's imagine that you need a gift for that special someone. You are dragging your exhausted body through the mall and can't really decide from all the variety of options in front of you. Well, not to point out the obvious, but this is a very common situation. Everyone is looking for a perfect and personal gift, but it seems impossible. At some point you start to feel like the Universe is against you, well, spoiler alert - Universe is always on your side, you just have to turn to it, in this case, LITERALLY. The night sky is full of unique stars and they have guided humankind through centuries. We rely on their patterns, we wish upon them and we define our connections with vast eternity through them. So, please, close your search engine tab with all the results for "gift ideas", get your act together, keep calm and buy a star.

Star as a gift is truly a magnificent choice for any occasion, like an anniversary or birthday present, as a gift for Valentine's day, Mother's day, Fathers day... well, even for Halloween (there is nothing scarier than dark matter expanding through space).

Your star will be recorded in the official Star catalog (SREU), which is the largest database in Europe. You will be provided with a real Star Map and Certificate, which will prove the fact of registration and the map with coordinates will help you to locate this little piece of the Universe that belongs to you.

It is always great to see that look in someone's eyes, which transcends simple joy into a heartwarming surprise. Actually, this is the main reason why we procrastinate with gifts, why we always search for the best possible option, because we want to create catharsis of the lifetime in people close to us. It doesn't matter if you live in the United States or in India, in Spain, France, China or anywhere else on Earth... In the means of space-time, we are all just shapes and sizes locked in four dimensions, so it is important to create emotional and worthwhile impacts that can resonate with our feelings up to the sky.

So don't be ordinary and think outside of the box. Think in the universal sense and give your loved ones a personal, unique gift with meaning. In reality, there is nothing cooler than the Universe (cosmic background temperature can drop to minus 455 degrees Fahrenheit) and hotter than the star ( 200,000,000° Fahrenheit at their core).

This truly is the ultimate gift package!